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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

This project allows to dump files from oat dex tool.

Jul 8, 2016

Android AlertDialog that only shows once for a given string.

This is a subclass of AlertDialog with all its features supported. The only difference is that a key is provided in its initialization, which is used to check the default SharedPreferences and save itself once shown.

Use cases:

  • Show your app's recent updates prompt just once per version name.
  • Show a "rate now" prompt just once.
  • Quickly create a randomly shown message without worrying about the preferences.
Feb 14, 2015

This library is making listview way more easy to use. No need to embed the listview in a framelayout to add the progressbar or the emptyview. It's all right here.

Jul 5, 2014